There are two basic concepts in the life journey you need to be aware of and understand in order to evolve to higher consciousness. First you need to acknowledge that your true nature is one of unity with everything in existence, seen and unseen. You are one with all that exists, including your source. Second, and this is critical to the life journey, you need to accept the idea that when you entered this physical universe you voluntarily agreed to forget that you are a spiritual being with all of the same properties and abilities as the source from which you came.
Once you understand the two basic concepts, you can begin to understand more of the play of your life and what you are all about. Once you understand these two concepts, you realize that you are, always have been, and always will be part of the divine.
Eternally you are a member of the body of God but when you enter the physical world you agree to forget this. You can't remember who and what your true self is, but if you could remember during the course of your life that you are one with God, then you would remember yourself as part of the body of God.
Our mission on the physical plane is not one of discovery or learning, because as our true selves we already know the all of it. Our mission is to re-member who we really are. It is in this act of re-membering that we rejoin with God and return as a member of the body of God.
By agreeing to forget who we really are, we are at total choice as to how we want to experience ourselves. This is God's greatest gift. This way, God has not given us any agenda that we must follow. God has not laid down a particular purpose for our lives.
God has allowed us free will to make choices that allow us to decide what the point of our lives is going to be. Because we possess the ability to create (just like God), we are at free choice to create the purpose and point of our lives.
When we do, we are free to create ourselves to suit the purpose we assigned to it. We get to freely decide who and what we are, and then we get to create who we are going to be.
It is in the remembering of who we really are that we fulfill life's assignment. Not only remembering who we are but also remembering who everyone else is. We are all one in the big scheme of things, so a big part of our mission is to remind others to remember. To re-mind (make them mindful of who they truly are) so that they too can re-member (become a member again of the body of God while doing their work here on earth).
That is what Jesus, and Buddha, and Krishna, and Abraham, and Mohamed, and all the great spiritual teachers have done. That was their sole purpose and that is your soul purpose.
This act of voluntary amnesia really works. In fact, it works so well that it seems most people have accepted the concept of forgetting who they really are, and have bought into the concept of knowing themselves as who they are not-that they are not a member of the body of God, that they are in fact separate from God.
That's why the concept of separation is such a widely held theory of how the universe works. And hey-that's okay. The universal source, the God of Love and Unity, is not going to show up and tell us we have it all wrong and force us to remember. That would thwart her intention, which is to know experientially all that she knows conceptually. Besides, God does not judge us. She merely observes and experiences.
There is no time frame set for us to remember either. We are eternal. We are born into these bodies, live our lives and then die as humans, leaving these physical bodies, but our true selves, are not these physical bodies. You discover that at the time of your human death.
That is when your spirit, your soul, is re-membered with the body of God as the spirit child that you are. You don't lose your properties and abilities. You are still the essence of God, and that is what you remain upon your earthly death. You don't really die, you just change form. You go on to your next creation. You are still at free choice.
You may choose to come back to the physical realm of the relative to experience aspects of your self that you haven't experienced yet. Of course, during each of these incarnations you continue to evolve as a mind, body, and spirit being. You evolve and experience all the aspects of your self that you know conceptually.
So if you are one of the sleepwalkers of the world who go through your life believing you are separate from your source and separate from your fellow human inhabitants of this planet, that's okay. However, your soul knows its agenda is to experience life in its fullest glory. All spirit children know this. The soul knows this at all times. The mind and body do not. The mind and body are captivated by the amnesia of their true selves and suffer within the illusion of physicality and separation from all things, seen and unseen.
By : Richard Blackstone