According to psychologists, we tend to forget the things that we really want to forget. But this is not always the case. Sometimes the things we can not remember that we must. Like the other day it was not able to remember where I put the duplicate key of the House. With clenched teeth and eyes closed desperately kept looking for in my mind that I could placed for maximum custody when my youngest daughter hit accidentally it behind of a volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica on the Bookshelf. And inevitably followed by a roll of laughter and jokes in comments in my little ability to remember the mundane things.
Oblivion is often seen in the light of the fun in the film, history books, and our social interactions. But it's not always as innocent as it seems. Little incident forgotten shake by the laughter of what actually can be indication of some complex memory leak problems. So not should neglect this problem if you feel that it is taking a serious turn already adequately address to know if there is a disorder that occurs in the brain. Here are some information to help understand the relationship between brain and memory.
Our brain has this amazing ability to store information in different parts of our memory. Memory may be classified in short-term, long-term or past memories. The brain can store information for a long time. For example, only enters the remote memory lane and are sure to find pieces of images associated with the days of her childhood.
Now progresses in his age, his brain storage pattern also begins to change and gradually becomes more difficult to remember the stored information. Arriving at age twenty, your brain begins to lose some of their cells and body also there the chemicals required for the work of the brain in the same amount as before. These changes affect the ways how to remember things, and while more years have more to affect memory. While short-term memory and remote will not be affected by ageing, recent memories at some point be betrayed. As for example, at a certain age often tend to forget the names of the people that we have seen recently. Well, not you panic, these are only the physiological changes.
However, there may be some other causes of aging can cause memory loss and include depression, brain injury, the effects of alcohol, disease, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and the side effects of medicines.
Then, is how to differentiate between normal and serious memory leak? Well, memory leak can be the cause of the alarm interrupted significantly their daily lives. Forgetting names or words they are in order, but you must take the alarm if you forget the things such as a recipe you tried many times before, or can't remember how to get to a place you visit frequently and so forth.
Remember, serious problems related to the loss of memory worsen during a short period of time. So if you feel you is suffering from some memory problems are not usual, consult a doctor immediately.