There was a time when all reminding them that had to be done, it was our responsibility. But then came the day and age of large enterprises with thousands of employees, and became a Manager. Should as if it were not enough there to take into account a hundred things and one, now you remember also to other people? And what to do if your own memory decides not to go? A distracted Professor is OK if you are scheduled to win the Nobel prize or something, but otherwise not.
memory loss is often associated with old age and the senility or neglect and (the latter youth brands) irresponsibility or amnesia or dementia. Do you think all relatives? Small-scale, post-it pasted in the refrigerator door does not have good results. The fridge works as a bulletin board, and if used correctly, there is no need to remind the members of the family in any other way.
However, both the refrigerator posing as a bulletin board and Advisory Board real suffer the same disadvantages- and if anyone reads released them notes? Therefore arose the SMS? To send notes very individuals so can not be ignored?
However, we can say it, in spite of the factor of discomfort that each notification on a large scale has, either a text message or e-mail, both have the ability to capture the attention of the recipient of the notice or reminder. Making case ignored these may be a possibility, but has a chance much less be placed beside a bulletin board.
It is clear that this is an important reason why companies around the world have attended technology to remind employees of significant events occurring within the organization. An SMS or automated e-mail can quickly send a large number of employees. This is just a matter of moments.
On the other hand, the time is not the only thing that can save with these innovative methods and communication devices. You can also save money and energy that otherwise would have been spent in contact with several people separately. Thankfully we live in a world that allows us to use our time, energy and money more cheaply. Although not yet the message reaching around the world, at least was not fail enough.